Food Ethos & Provinence.

Food matters to us and to the planet FULL STOP

I don't want to get too formal, but food matters. Where our food comes from and how we use it, is a big focus for our team. I think people will feel that at Library Street, maybe I’m wrong?

My main focus is to make the most delicious food I can in the environment I'm in. Like right now I use mainly Irish ingredients from local suppliers and use the best product that they have that’s in season. I'll use french and Italian products too, because simply they are too good not to use them, but always alongside amazing Irish ingredients-they work in harmony with each other.

Our clients should that know we know where our food was grown, caught and raised. We want them to know that we care about how the food we serve was produced and how it transported because that matters to the flavour, and to the planet. We never want our food to leave a bitter taste.

Right now the candied beet and yellow beet are literally just out of the ground at McNally’s Farm. When I see stuff like that, it’s going straight on [the menu].

Went off on a tangent there, but I think it's good you know my thought process a little....

- Kevin Burke - Chef